Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dynamic Instructional Design model

Hey guys! Almost done with the semester!!

I have decided to evaluate the lesson plan "Getting to the Root of it: Plant Dissection and Root Systems." 
This lesson plan follows the Dynamic Instructional Design model because it knows the learners. This is depicted in the section Supporting All Learners. The objectives can be found under Preinstructional Planning. The learning environment is established under lesson directions step 1 and materials. The teaching and learning strategies are identified in lesson directions and under supporting all learners. I don't feel like it is necessary for this lesson plan to identify and select technologies but if they were going to I feel like it would be under the home connections part. Last but not least, this lesson plan evaluates the students under the post instructional section. 

I would use PowerPoint to support student learning at each level of Bloom's Taxonomy in a particular lesson by having a slide to see if my students can recognize or recall things about the topic. Then I would add more slides adding new information and have a "check-in" slide to see if my students can properly explain this new information. Then I would add slides filled with questions to see how well they are applying this new and old knowledge, analyzing, and evaluating it. The final slide would be giving the students a task where they have to create some type of content to show that they have learned the material.

The WebQuest assignment was so much fun. I actually feel like it is very beneficial, as a teacher one can keep a Q&A area for parents or students. I feel like a lot of people tend to have the same questions and as a teacher, it can get annoying repeating myself over and over again. Next time I can improve it by adding more content for the month as opposed to just having the content of one assignment.

I commented on Alina and Mallory's.

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