Sunday, February 23, 2020

Course Websites

Hey yall, Happy 8th week of the semester!

At first, I did not think course websites for teachers were important or worth the effort. I personally did not find that much important information on the course website I found. After looking at the course websites everyone else has found my opinion changed. I now do believe that course websites for teachers are important and worth the time. Some parents are very busy on the go, the ability to be able to access your child's upcoming important events at the touch of a fingertip wherever you are in the world is ideal to me. Course websites are very eco-friendly and that is my favorite thing about it.

I envision myself using technology in a lot of ways. The main way I'd use technology as a teacher would be with the Calendar feature. I think it is a great feature, you can update it at any time, access it from your phone, and send out an invite, for example, parent-teacher conferences. The calendar feature will also remind you of your tasks up to one day before.

I have not had the time to complete the web evaluation due to illness. I can't wait to update this post once it's done!

I commented on Erika's and Liz's blogpost.


  1. I am sorry to hear that you were feeling sick. I hope you are feeling well now.

  2. I am glad to know that you consider course websites for teachers important and worth the time.

    You made a good point that course websites are very eco-friendly.
