Sunday, February 9, 2020

English Language Arts

Welcome back to my blog! It is week 5 already and I simply can't believe it. 

For this assignment, I have chosen to review the English Language Arts standard for grades 11-12. LAFS.1112.RH.3.7 is basically a way for students to be measured on what they have learned by using media such as excel for example. I personally feel very prepared to implement this standard in my classroom because I was required to take a computer competency class in college which addressed programs such as excel. Ever since that class, I have been using programs like excel to better manage my life. I believe these programs are key to budgeting, saving, and planning things out. It is one of those things that I would be happy to teach my students because I know they would have use for it in the future. 

A really awesome tool I found on CPALMS was the ability to find lesson plans or tips based on the subject you are teaching and grade. This ranges from Dance to English Language Arts and Gifted students. I found this really cool because it allows teachers to come to one place and get ideas to strengthen their lesson plans or make it more interactive or engaging. 

I have chosen to write about Instagram as the Web 2.0 tool. Instagram has become a place for business, teaching, and social networking. With Instagram, one can find educational accounts and even network with other companies and get paid to post. I feel like Instagram is one of the most versatile web tools and let's be honest, kids are on it all the time!

I replied to Noelle and Mallory's post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Edda, yes, I am with you. Time flies! I am impressed by your experience with programs like excel. Regarding Instagram, I agree with you that kids are on it all the time nowadays.
