Sunday, January 26, 2020

Academic Dishonesty and Cyberbullying

Technology has been incorporated into my learning experience now more in college. In high school, they made it a requirement that we take one online class in order to be able to graduate. Now in college, it seems as if everything is online. We are given discussion posts, resources, quizzes, and even tests online. We are also allowed to use our computers to take notes which is awesome. I feel like the most technology I used in elementary and middle school was for AR tests and the smartboards.

Copyright and fair use is huge when it comes to the technology world. It is really hard sometimes because everything is on the internet. Making citations a requirement allows us to use websites and pictures while still crediting the source. There have also been websites developed to detect copyright issues which helps prevent misuse. Personally, I use these websites all the time, especially when writing a paper so I know I have cited everything correctly. 

The two main technology implementation issues I have chosen are academic dishonesty and cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a big problem because anyone can post things anonymously or through a fake page, anyone can say anything. Another thing is you can't really hold people accountable for things they say online. To tackle cyberbullying I would make sure my students know that anything said in our classroom websites will be reported to me and taken up with the principal and if any foul comments have been made it will be followed by in-school suspension. Academic dishonesty is also a huge issue because you can look anything up online while taking a test or a quiz. Ultimately cheating is easier for students when dealing with technology. To tackle academic dishonesty I would use to make sure my students are not copying each others work or someone's past work. 

I commented on Kemory and Noelle's post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. The two solutions to academic dishonesty and cyberbullying make sense to me.
    You made a good point about technology use in general at schools and universities. But you are also expected to address: how you’ve used MS Word as a student (both in K-12 and at FSU) and how you’ve seen your teachers use it.

    You made a good point about Copyright and fair use. But you are also expected to address: How would you deal with these concepts as a teacher, developing your own instructional materials and having students create their own works?
